
10 Glazing Wonders: Bet There's One You Haven't Seen Yet!

Glaze, a magical glass-like coating, has been beautifying pottery for ages, making pieces more stunning and less absorbent. The choice of glazing method can vary greatly depending on the shape and thickness of the piece, with techniques ranging from dipping and pouring to spraying and brushing.

But wait, there's more! Beyond these common methods, let's dive into some truly fascinating techniques that might just surprise you, like foam blowing, injection dripping, tape masking, water marbling, mocha diffusion, and sponge application. Ready to explore? Let's go!

Dipping Glaze

Dipping, or "dip glazing," is a classic. Simply submerge your piece in glaze, and voilà! The bisque's thirstiness does the rest, ensuring an even coat. This age-old method is perfect for small items, giving them a quick, even glaze with just one dip.


Dipping, or "dip glazing

Pouring Glaze

Pouring glaze isn't just about coverage; it's about creating movement. This technique, especially beloved in Tang dynasty tri-color pottery, involves layering different glazes for a dynamic effect. It's all about the flow.

Pouring Glaze

Brushing Glaze

Brushing, or "painting glaze," brings a personal touch to your pottery. It's ideal for adding glaze to specific areas or for pieces with sharp angles. This method has roots in ancient times and allows for detailed, localized glazing.
Brushing Glaze
Brushing Glaze

Spraying Glaze

Spraying adds depth. It's the final flourish that thickens the glaze layer, perfect for pieces that need a little extra. This technique ensures an even, thick coat, making your pottery pop.
Spraying Glaze
Spraying Glaze

Swirling Glaze

Swirling glaze inside a piece ensures every nook and cranny is covered. It's a dance of glaze within the pottery, ideal for items with deep interiors. Just swirl, pour out the excess, and you're set.

Swirling glaze inside

Bubble Glazing

Who knew bubbles could be so artistic? This playful method involves blowing bubbles in a glaze mixture and transferring them onto your pottery. It's fun, unique, and adds a whimsical touch to your work.

bubble glazing pottery
Bubble Glazing

Injection Dripping

For those precise, flowing effects, injection dripping is your go-to. Using a syringe, you can carefully apply glaze in patterns or layers, creating stunning visuals that blend and flow during firing.

Injection Dripping


Mocha Diffusion

Mocha diffusion is not about coffee; it's about chemistry. This technique creates intricate, tree-like patterns through a reaction between acid and alkaline, adding a complex texture to your pottery.

Tape Masking Glazing

Want clean lines or unglazed areas? Tape masking is the answer. Apply tape, glaze, and then peel it off before firing for sharp, defined designs.

How to use TAPE as a Glaze


Water Marbling Glazing

Water marbling is where creativity flows—literally. Create designs on water, then dip your pottery to transfer the patterns. Each piece becomes a unique work of art, showcasing your creative flair.

Water Marbling Glazing
Water Marbling Glazing


And there you have it, a whirlwind tour of 10 glazing techniques that barely scratches the surface of the pottery world. There are countless other methods out there, each with its own artistic merit and set of pros and cons. Now, it's your turn! Drop a comment below sharing your favorite glazing technique. We're curious to see which ones capture your imagination. Plus, we'll be picking 2 lucky commenters to win a set of underglaze color pencil. Let's keep the creativity flowing!

1 comment

  • love the marble one😍

    - Shirley

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