
In a World of Uncertainty, Is Crafting Dreams Beyond Conformity the New Reality?

Today, we're stepping into the world of Xing, a young Chinese woman who traded her conventional job for the craft of leatherworking. Transitioning from the archetype of the well-behaved East Asian girl to breaking the mold of societal expectations, Xing discovered her true self through the art of leather.

Entering Xing's quaint studio, the air is tinged with the rich scent of leather. The intense midday sun is softened by beige curtains, casting the room in warm, earthy hues. The space exudes a blend of gentleness and wildness, mirroring Xing herself. Her black-framed glasses and neat bangs accentuate her petite frame, draped in a loose khaki linen dress. Despite her aversion to socializing, which led me to expect a reserved demeanor, Xing comes alive when discussing her work, her hands and words in constant motion. She takes a sip of her sparkling wine, "Let's put on some music and dive in!

Working for Others Felt Like a Slow Suffocation

I pondered, what do I truly desire? "After graduating, I worked for a year and felt suffocated. I had so much I wanted to express, but my job left no room for that. I felt like a mere task-completing machine. I was uncertain about what I really wanted, but deep down, I knew I had to do something different..."

I Found Myself

 In the six years since she embraced leather crafting, Xing's greatest achievement has been finding inner peace. "I ventured into leather crafting on my own. Post-art school, I couldn't find a job that truly fit me, leading to a long period of confusion and lack of focus. However, it was during this low point that I found myself. Understanding who you are, your capabilities, and what suits you best makes life much more beautiful."

Her journey into crafting began with a simple desire for a unique handmade leather backpack. It was as if a window had opened, revealing a new vista.

Xing's creations are few and far between, each requiring extensive time and solitary contemplation of the minutest details. She breathes life into her work, allowing the fleeting moments to become tangible, visible, touchable, and cherished. This is her greatest source of happiness.

Quick and easy tasks hold no allure for her. Crafting, for Xing, is a spiritual practice. Earning a modest income along the way suffices, as she doesn't see herself as someone destined for wealth.

Discipline Gives Me Freedom

As a freelancer, discipline is key. Xing's work schedule is nocturnal, starting when the sun is almost down. When she's in a good mental state, she focuses on tasks that require concentration and physical effort, like making bags. Otherwise, it's easy to make mistakes. You need a clear mind to choose the most precise cutting knife, calculate the thickness to which each piece of leather needs to be thinned, and patiently polish every edge to ensure each detail is flawless.

When she's not feeling her best, she takes time to relax, read, take walks, and play with her cat. She cherishes her current state, as it's perfect for creativity, even though it doesn't bring much money. At her age, with the most energy and best mental state, she feels it's wasteful to focus solely on making money. She'd rather have less money now but create more, as it might be better for her future.

Happiness First, Then Pleasure Others

Xing's husband is a professional bartender and freelance artist. Their personalities complement each other. In larger mural projects, he focuses on the overall effect, while Xing pays attention to the details. He has traveled to many countries and has a mature worldview. He's full of ideas and daring in practice.

"Before I met him, I thought I was just a traditional Chinese girl, following the usual path of graduation, work, marriage, and children. But after meeting him, I was influenced by his open-mindedness, which made me want to become my own person and realize my individual value in this world."

"If I can't express myself, I'd rather die tomorrow. What's the point of living without a sense of self? Of course, I also consider the proportion of this part of myself in my life. So I always maintain calmness and think about the possibilities. I will also combine some other craft processing methods to create my own style, which is what keeps me interested in doing this."

As we close the chapter on Xing's inspiring journey, we're reminded of the boundless possibilities that lie in the hands of skilled artisans. At CÍ, we celebrate the spirit of craftsmanship, encouraging and supporting those who dare to pursue their passion and carve their own path. May the stories of creators like Xing serve as a beacon, illuminating the artistry and dedication that define the heart of handcrafting. Together, we continue to weave a tapestry of creativity, where every stitch and every stroke tells a story of resilience and beauty.


Note: The interview featured in this article is a translation and has been adapted from the original content sourced from We Spirit.

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